Writing in First Things (“While We’re At It,” April 2003, pg. 84), Richard John Neuhaus probed issues raised by Keith Forni in Let’s Talk (“The Allure of Catholicity: Latino Lutheran Ministries in the Crosshairs,” Vol.7.2, Christmas 2002). Readers will recall that Forni was responding to an article in the Chicago Sun Times: “Are Lutherans pretending […]
Latino Lutheran Ministries – An Exchange
3.2 Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor: Just a brief note of appreciation for the Let’s Talk (Lent 1998) issue devoted to the important topic of the mission of our Synod and its congregations. It was interesting to get to know the viewpoints of some key members of our Synod Council. I wish there had been a clearer statement of […]
The 9.5 Theses
These theses were written by a group of pastors from New Jersey and published in Lutheran Forum (Vol. 29, No. 4, November, 1995) with commentary by Ronald B. Bagnall, Mark Hoffman, Phillip Max Johnson, Linda Larson, John David Larson, Richard J. Niebanck, Beth Schlegel, and Louis A. Smith. Preamble To the people of the Evangelical […]
An Opportunity for a Reformation: An Interview with Bishop Olsen
Let’s Talk: Bishop, our Synod adopted a new mission statement at its last Assembly, ”Proclaim the Gospel, Make Disciples, Do Justice.” What focus do you think this commitment will bring? Bishop Olsen: First of all it very much changes the focus of our Synod from what it has been for the last few […]
Let’s Talk Mission Statement Contest
This is our final installment of mission statements submitted by congregations. We thank all who participated. We noted at the outset that the “winners” would be published, and we have published them all. In our next issue we will seek to address the use and abuse of congregational statements and examine our Synod’s new mission […]
Worship Bibliography
We gathered a list of worship resources. Here are some resources that have proved valuable to them in preparing the Liturgy and in adult education. Do you have resources you would recommend? Fax to me at 773-935-0414 or mail to Nicholas Zook, Concordia Lutheran Church, 3855 N. Seeley Ave., Chicago, IL 60618 Commentaries on Liturgy […]
Letters to the Editor – 2.2 Spirituality
Kudos for your excellent Epiphany 1997 edition of Let’s Talk! Read every word of it, which is saying a lot for someone often caught in a paper blizzard. As an ELCA deaconess serving as a counselor and spiritual director I especially appreciated Jack Finney’s excellent article, “Taking Time for the Soul.” In this time of […]
Letters to the Editor
I meant to drop you a note after the Easter, 1996 issue of Let’s Talk. It’s when the Advent 1996 edition arrived that I realized I have been negligent. I am referring specifically to the Leon Rosenthal article, “The Foundation: Finding Unity as Biblical People of Promise.” Considering the wretched history of Christian-Jewish relationships, our […]
In Their Own Voices
The Multicultural Women’s Dialogue has been going on at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago since 1992. Following are excerpts from a transcript of a reflecting on what group members had learned from their experiences together. There’s the pseudo assumption that because we’re women we share a common bond. But that’s not necessarily true. As […]
More Sweat Than Blood
Let’s Talk thanks Carl Isaacson for putting blood and passion into our synodical theological dialog. We trust all will understand that irony can be irritating and still be irenic. Some slightly less bloody responses: Maxine Washington was the author of the article–noted only in editorial brackets in Carl’s piece. Granted, she was writing as a […]
Let’s Talk Wants You!
The purpose of this journal is to promote a high standard of theological discourse among all the people of God in the Metro Chicago Synod. If we are to raise the level of discourse we need fluency. If we are to have fluency we must have confidence in thinking our theology locally. All of this […]
Issue 1.3 – Letters to the Editor
Thank you for the first issue of Let’s Talk, and for the vision that underlies this new journal. I believe and hope that it will be able to make an important contribution to theological conversation to undergird mission in the Metro Chicago Synod. Indeed, what this journal proposes to do is what has been severely […]
Resources for the Study of Ecumenical Agreements
Sources AF = Augsburg Fortress, phone 1-800-328-4648 DEA = ELCA Department of Ecumenical Affairs, phone 312-380-2610 DS = ELCA Distribution Service, phone 1-800-328-4648 Primary Documents “Toward Full Communion” and the “Concordat of Agreement”: Lutheran-Episcopal Dialogue, Series III. The report which proposes full communion between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Episcopal Church in […]
Letters to the Editor
Congratulations on a first issue in the mail. No quibble about content, though one must wonder about depth when writers are so limited by space consideration. Nevertheless, the issue did what I take it was intended to do, open the gates. The Editorial Board’s article says “Each issue will focus on a central topic…” but […]