Annie Dillard once wrote: “Nothing could more surely convince me of God’s unending mercy than the continued existence on earth of the church.”1 True enough, but I would also add a corollary: nothing could more surely convince me of God’s hiddenness than the continued existence of theology. The history of theological reflection might plausibly be […]
Sea Monsters, Butterflyfish, and the Hiddenness of God
Book Review: Blackfire: The Books of Bairnmoor, Volume 1 by James Daniel Eckblad
Blackfire: The Books of Bairnmoor, Volume 1. James Daniel Eckblad. Eugene, Ore.: Resource Publications, 2012. 268 pp., $30.00 pb. “Elli Adams lived as if she were always leaving . . .” begins Eckblad’s elaborate and vibrant tale of four children who are called into a perpendicular world in order to save it.1 As in most […]