In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, there has been renewed attention to the role of lament in public and private life. Lament involves the recognition that we are not in control. It is a healthy corrective in a culture which focuses on success (presumed to be attainable) and on being in control of our […]
A Personal Journey Into Lament
Book Review: Spirituality of the Psalms
by Walter Brueggemann Minneapolis: Fortress, 2002. 75 pp. $6.00 Reviewed/excerpted by Joyce M. Bowers Walter Brueggemann is the William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia. He is a prolific author; many of his books have been published by Fortress Press, notably Theology of the Old Testament: Testimony, Dispute, Advocacy […]
Liturgy in the Service of Evangelism
The Witness of the Worshiping Community: Liturgy and the Practice of Evangelism by Frank C. Senn, Paulist Press, New York/Mahwah, NJ, 1993. A Synopsis Compiled by Joyce M. Bowers This book has particular significance to the theme of this issue. Although it was written a dozen years ago when the church growth movement with its […]
Other Spiritualities: A Travelogue
Manifestations of the supernatural outside the realm of typical Christian experience have piqued my curiosity for a long time. My interest began during missionary service in Liberia, West Africa, as I gradually became aware that African life was permeated with spiritual realities in ways that we Western missionaries could barely comprehend. A few years ago, […]
Nairobi Statement on Worship and Culture
This statement is from the third international consultation of the Lutheran World Federation’s Study Team on Worship and Culture, held in Nairobi, Kenya. 1. Introduction 1.1. Worship is the heart and pulse of the Christian Church. In worship we celebrate together God’s gracious gifts of creation and salvation, and are strengthened to live in response […]
ELCA’s Renewing Worship
Worship is central to who we are as Lutherans. I am very ecumenical, but I think it is important to maintain our Lutheran tradition. It isn’t only justification by faith that makes us Lutheran; how we carry that theme through our worship life is also central. Lutheran worship is really the Mass, and when you […]
The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith by Marcus J. Borg
Recently I picked up this book, curious after hearing a reference to it in a recent presentation on spirituality. I had heard about Marcus Borg before, but had been “turned off” by his participation in the Jesus Seminar. I had not thought about Borg in the context of spirituality, and was intrigued. About the Author […]