My colleague from across town was being customarily succinct. His message was tinged with a sense of urgency and concern. “You need to pick up a copy of today’s Chicago Sun Times.” He read me only the headline from the (August 20, 2002) front page: “Are Lutherans pretending to be Catholic to lure Hispanics?” Lutherans […]
The Allure of Catholicity: Latino Lutheran Ministries in the Crosshairs
Gathered, Nourished, and Sent: Reflections on the meaning of Mass
When ministry is nourished in Latino places and spaces, it is not uncommon for Lutherans to accent their catholicity. Luther did not “throw the baby out with the bath water” in matters of liturgy. (How often this seems to surprise our first time visitors familiar with the liturgy of the Roman Catholic church: “You are […]
Faithfulness in Mission and Ministry
Start with the Sending Let’s begin at the end. Sunday in and Sunday out, the Eucharistic Liturgy ends with a commission. It’s Easter rendition may sound like this: “Go in Peace to Serve the Lord. Alleluia!” You know the assembly’s response: “Thanks be to God! Alleluia!” That cousin of ite missa est — the mass […]
Great Commission Imperatives Shaping Hispanic-Latino Ministry
This document, as originally presented, is a mission plan in progress. A second draft of the full strategy was received in April of 2006 as a foundational document for Hispanic-Latino ministry by the Northern Illinois Synod’s Outreach Committee. That committee established a Hispanic ministry task force shortly after the strategy was received. Development of the […]
Bibliography for Hispanic-Latino Ministry
(part I) Arias, Miguel; Francis, Mark R. & Perez-Roidriguez, Arturo J., La Navidad Hispana at Home and at Church. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 2000. Carrasquillo, Hector and Cassese, Giacomo, Reaching the Latino Community: A Manual for Congregational Leaders (with contributions from many leaders in the Latino Community of the ELCA). Chicago: Evangelical Lutheran Church in […]
Bibliography for Hispanic-Latino Ministry
(part 2) Abalos, David T., Latinos in the United States: The Sacred and the Political, Notre Dame: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1986. Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, Vida en Comunidad, Salamanca, Ediciones Sígueme, 2003. Elizondo, Virgilio P., La Morenita: Evangelizer of the Americas, San Antonio, Mexican American Cultural Center, 1980. Francis, Mark R. & Pérez-Rodriguez, Arturo J., […]
San Esteben Martir
The Rev. Antonio Cabello is pastor of San Esteben Martir (St. Stephen the Martyr), ELCA, 225 S. Kennedy Drive (IL Route 25), a congregation of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod located in the northwest suburb of Carpentersville, Illinois. The people of God at San Esteben gather for the Holy Eucharist on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in […]