The purpose of this journal is to promote a high standard of theological discourse among all the people of God in the Metro Chicago Synod. If we are to raise the level of discourse we need fluency. If we are to have fluency we must have confidence in thinking our theology locally. All of this […]
Let’s Talk Wants You!
Issue 1.3 – Letters to the Editor
Thank you for the first issue of Let’s Talk, and for the vision that underlies this new journal. I believe and hope that it will be able to make an important contribution to theological conversation to undergird mission in the Metro Chicago Synod. Indeed, what this journal proposes to do is what has been severely […]
Resources for the Study of Ecumenical Agreements
Sources AF = Augsburg Fortress, phone 1-800-328-4648 DEA = ELCA Department of Ecumenical Affairs, phone 312-380-2610 DS = ELCA Distribution Service, phone 1-800-328-4648 Primary Documents “Toward Full Communion” and the “Concordat of Agreement”: Lutheran-Episcopal Dialogue, Series III. The report which proposes full communion between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Episcopal Church in […]
The Lifting of Condemnations
The Ecumenical proposal receiving the least debate and attention leading up to the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in 1997 is the lifting of the 16th century condemnations exchanged by Lutherans and Catholics on the article of Justification. There are several reasons for this: The implications of this proposal will not involve any significant changes in either […]
Ecumenical Decisions and Mission
As of now the 1997 Churchwide Assembly of the ELCA is scheduled to make decisions on two momentous ecumenical proposals: full communion (altar and pulpit fellowship) with The Episcopal Church and with three Churches in the Reformed tradition (the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Reformed Church in America, and the United Church of Christ). Both of […]
Speaking of Church: Good Words for Episcopalians and Lutherans
The dialogue between Lutherans and Episcopalians during the past two decades has been, for the most part, carried forward by theologians whose work has placed a proposal for full communion on the agenda of both churches. It is important that lay women and men in both traditions now engage in the dialogue by learning about […]
Witness and Unity in Lutheran-Reformed Relationships
Far be it from us to raise barriers to the unity of churches for our greater common witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. After all, it is our Lord’s prayer “that they may be one” precisely for the sake of witness to the truth of the gospel. Just so, it is necessary that we […]
The Foundation: Finding Unity as Biblical People of Promise
Let’s talk! This is a good name for this newsletter and it is the point of this article on Jewish-Christian Dialogue. I maintain that this Jewish-Christian dialogue, because it traces its origin from the Scriptures of both traditions, and necessarily “returns” to them, is foundational for all ecumenical and inter-faith dialogue. Both Jewish and Christian […]
Pages from an Ecumenical Journal
Ecumenism at the grassroots is largely biographical. Much of what happens in our communities ecumenically depends not on the mood or progress of denominational dialogues but on who the pastors are of the local congregations. In every community there are pastors and lay leaders who are committed to ecumenical mission and those who are absent […]