Knew that I would make it if I tried…” Recognize the song from Jesus Christ Superstar? I (Julie Ryan) was asked to offer my reflections about the event set aside for spiritual enrichment at Synod Assembly 2000. Who could possibly oppose encouraging one another to deepen commitment, or open up to new ways of thinking […]
Always Hoped That I’d Be A Disciple
Synod Assembly Leadership Event: What Was It All About?
The Metropolitan Chicago Synod Assembly 2000 included a daylong leadership event in which pastors, lay delegates to the Assembly and other leaders of our congregational and institutional ministries were invited. As one of the members of the planning group for this daylong event, I would like to share our objectives and the reasons we ultimately […]
Struggle and Competition: Two Models for Dealing with Difficult Issues in the Church
Being the Church is difficult under the best of circumstances. Being the Church in times of internal conflict is even more difficult. Perhaps the most difficult issues we face as the Church are those that have the potential of causing pain and estrangement. Certainly the question of union blessings for gay and lesbian couples is […]
Can the Church Bless “Committed Same-Sex Relationships”?
The Metropolitan Chicago Synod Assembly passed a resolution asking the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (1) to develop a rite of blessing of gay and lesbian persons living in committed same-sex relationships, (2) to produce materials to support pastors as they provide pastoral care and counseling for same-sex couples, and (3) to provide educational materials […]
Should the Church Condone Homosexuality?
Let me begin by telling you a little about myself. I have been a Christian from a very young age, and have sought to follow God with my whole heart, to minister as He wants me to, where He wants me to. He sent me to Truth Lutheran, a small Chinese congregation in Naperville, where […]
Scripture and its Interpretation
Our 2000 Synod Assembly passed two resolutions petitioning the ELCA Churchwide Assembly to produce a rite of blessing for same sex couples, materials for pastors in counseling same sex couples and an end to the celibacy rule for gay and lesbian rostered persons. Why? Because we, as a church, are responding to justice issues proposed […]