Frank C. Senn We all need dedicated times to be present to God and to our bodily selves. In both we address our soul, that which makes us uniquely who we are. I could just say: you should have a time for personal prayer, maybe first thing in the morning using a good prayer […]
Self-Care: Being Present to God and to our Bodily Selves
Holy Living
Richard O. Johnson It is my pleasure and my joy to be with you this evening for this event, and to contribute in some way, I hope, to “refreshing the hearts of the saints” here in the Metropolitan Chicago area. My thanks to Pastor Keith Forni for inviting me, and for being such a splendid […]
Letters to the Editor – 2.2 Spirituality
Kudos for your excellent Epiphany 1997 edition of Let’s Talk! Read every word of it, which is saying a lot for someone often caught in a paper blizzard. As an ELCA deaconess serving as a counselor and spiritual director I especially appreciated Jack Finney’s excellent article, “Taking Time for the Soul.” In this time of […]
Frank Senn’s Warning – A Response
Since Frank Senn’s response, in Let’s Talk, Volume 2, Issue 1, to my previously published piece goes right to the heart of some crucial issues in our thinking about the ELCA, it is well worth a response and even further discussion. He raises two major issues: the theme of baptism and the question of the […]
In Memoriam: Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, Archbishop of Chicago, 1982-1996, Friend-Teacher-Brother in Christ
On Friday, August 30, 1996, I listened to the news conference at which Joseph Cardinal Bernardin shared with his Church, the public, and friends around the world that he was dying of pancreatic cancer and probably had less than a year to live. He said that he had placed himself in the hands of God […]
Other Spiritualities: A Travelogue
Manifestations of the supernatural outside the realm of typical Christian experience have piqued my curiosity for a long time. My interest began during missionary service in Liberia, West Africa, as I gradually became aware that African life was permeated with spiritual realities in ways that we Western missionaries could barely comprehend. A few years ago, […]
The Lutheran Third Order of St. Francis
When you see the words Lutheran Third Order of St. Francis, it may conjure up many thoughts, feelings, and questions. An astonished “what?” plus momentary confusion will probably be at the top of the list. After all, Lutherans do not have religious orders, do they? But before I answer several of the questions most frequently […]
God’s Extraordinary Presence
As a parish pastor I have found that in order to grow in Christ and to be refreshed with God’s grace I need to go deeper in prayer, which Martin Luther referred to as “a sacrament, for it has both God’s command and very many promises” (Apology of the Augsburg Confession XIII). I am sharing […]
Nurturing Your Spirit After You’ve Said “Amen”
I once knew a man who was taught to pray by folding his hands, bowing his head, closing his eyes and talking to God just like talking to a friend. For years this man tried his best.Yet when the “amen” came, he felt like a failure. He just couldn’t pray that way. He felt something […]
On Spiritual Direction
Where is God in my life? To what is God calling me? What is God’s will for my life, and how do I discern it? If you find yourself asking these questions, you may be a candidate for the ancient Christian practice of spiritual direction. Or, perhaps you sense God calling you to a deeper […]