The invitation of Let’s Talk in its Epiphany, 1998 issue motivates me to share some thoughts on what happened and what did not happen at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Churchwide Assembly in Philadelphia last August. The response to the vote on the Lutheran-Episcopal Concordat of Agreement by some of the writers in Let’s […]
A Response to Let’s Talk’s Special Issue on Ecumenism
Common Ground: We Are Sinners
Did you ever sit around a table with parishoners to write a mission statement for the parish? As I recall we were instructed to state who we are and then state what we are about. When it was my turn around the table I suggested we state who we are in three words: “We are […]
Faithful Change in Our Synod
The velocity of social and cultural change that our generation now faces has profound implications for the church. In the time of our grandparents’ youth, travel of more than 20 miles was a major event. A college education was rare. Disposable income (that is, money remaining after paying for essentials) was a very small percentage […]
Our Mission Statement: Toward a New Reality
Remarkable! Ask me what our new Synod Mission Statement is and I can recite it from memory without any hesitation. Adopted by our Synod Assembly this past June, it is so clear and forceful that it burns in one’s heart. Remarkable. Now this is a mission statement with real possibilities! And after all, isn’t this […]
An Opportunity for a Reformation: An Interview with Bishop Olsen
Let’s Talk: Bishop, our Synod adopted a new mission statement at its last Assembly, ”Proclaim the Gospel, Make Disciples, Do Justice.” What focus do you think this commitment will bring? Bishop Olsen: First of all it very much changes the focus of our Synod from what it has been for the last few […]