Writing in First Things (“While We’re At It,” April 2003, pg. 84), Richard John Neuhaus probed issues raised by Keith Forni in Let’s Talk (“The Allure of Catholicity: Latino Lutheran Ministries in the Crosshairs,” Vol.7.2, Christmas 2002). Readers will recall that Forni was responding to an article in the Chicago Sun Times: “Are Lutherans pretending […]
Welcome to Let’s Talk
We invite submission of papers and talks from members of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the ELCA, talks given to members of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod, or articles from other pastors and theologians, not limited to ELCA. Send submissions in Word docx. to fcsenn70@gmail.com.
Latino Lutheran Ministries – An Exchange
Bibliography of Major Works on Sexuality and the Church
Analyses Supporting Union Blessings and Ordination Issue Boswell, John. Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980. Brooten, Bernadette J. Love Between Women: Early Christian Responses to Female Homoeroticism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996. Countryman, […]
As the ELCA pursues the study of the issues on the gay agenda laid before the 2005 Churchwide Assembly, one of the ominous things one hears is talk of a schism of significant proportions. Proponents of the gay agenda have been reported to have said that the ELCA may have to lose a couple of […]
I’ve got a big problem. Two of them, actually. I’ve been asked to contribute this little essay on sexuality, and on the ELCA’s current study of sexuality, including the examination of questions about blessing same-sex unions and ordaining gays and lesbians in active and committed relationships. The problem is that I have very little to […]
Thinking about Sexuality in the ELCA
The word “think” in my title is significant. In a recent discussion among a group of our conference’s pastors about the sexuality issues now facing the ELCA, the presenter, sometime professor of pastoral care in one of our ELCA seminaries, made the comment that “when we confuse the pastoral issues with the theological/confessional ones, we […]
Reflections on the LSTC Leadership Conference: A More Excellent Way
Early in 2002 the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago sponsored Leadership Conference 2002 A More Excellent Way: Addressing Sexuality in the Church. Its intent was articulated: The wider church has called us to study sexuality. Events in the world have made us vividly aware that embodied life is to be treasured. Thus, it is […]
In Praise of Languages
Die Sprachen sind die Scheide darinnen das Messer des Geistes steckt. Luther (The languages are the sheath containing the sword of the Spirit) Since my retirement on January 1, 2002 I have had the privilege seldom accorded to an active pastor: I’ve been able to worship from the pew, being an active participant but not […]
Liturgy in the Service of Evangelism
The Witness of the Worshiping Community: Liturgy and the Practice of Evangelism by Frank C. Senn, Paulist Press, New York/Mahwah, NJ, 1993. A Synopsis Compiled by Joyce M. Bowers This book has particular significance to the theme of this issue. Although it was written a dozen years ago when the church growth movement with its […]
The Allure of Catholicity: Latino Lutheran Ministries in the Crosshairs
My colleague from across town was being customarily succinct. His message was tinged with a sense of urgency and concern. “You need to pick up a copy of today’s Chicago Sun Times.” He read me only the headline from the (August 20, 2002) front page: “Are Lutherans pretending to be Catholic to lure Hispanics?” Lutherans […]
“With the Greatest Reverence”: Lutheran and Roman Catholic Worship
Our churches are falsely accused of abolishing the Mass. Actually, the Mass is retained among us and is celebrated with the greatest reverence. (Augsburg Confession, Article XXIV) The liturgy is about to begin. The congregation stands as the processional cross leads the ministers down the center aisle. People bow as the cross passes. After the […]
As I See It: The Need to Observe the Rubrics
Ritual Systems What do theatrical productions, sports games, the procedures of the U.S. Congress, and the liturgy of the church all have in common? Answer: they are all ritual systems. Rituals allow social groups to get certain things done, whether the goal is to stage Romeo and Juliet, score a touchdown, enact legislation, or facilitate […]
Are There Norms for Lutheran Worship?
Not long ago, after a visit to the Wartburg Castle, I worshiped at the church of St. George in Eisenach. Though I don’t speak German, worship in that place on that day was more than familiar to me. There was a rooted ness about it. Perhaps grounded in the baptism of a child at the […]
A Standing Invitation…
At the end of July last year the Editorial Council of Let’s Talk agreed that an issue on “peace with justice” would be timely and fruitful. We asked: How is the church involved in peace/justice issues at various levels? Has there been a “sea change” in the Lutheran approach to social ministry? We recognized the […]
Fundamentalism’s Common Shapes
The Battle for God by Karen Armstrong, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2000. Reviewed by Brian Halverson In the aftermath of September 11th, as people struggle to understand the causes, impact, and implications of terrorism, Karen Armstrong’s book The Battle for God is both timely and particularly relevant. She traces the causes of religious fundamentalism […]
Doing justice in the face of evil: Reflections after the World Trade Center
This reflection was originally published by The Washington Office on Africa, 212 East Capitol Street, Washington, DC 20003 on September 18, 2001. Used by permission. Evil was done last week. The death and massive destruction mark a tragedy that has caused suffering and pain far beyond the confines of New York and Washington. My heart […]
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