(with a bit of ersatz theology thrown in for good measure) In the past, centennial celebrations were times for rejoicing and celebration. Quincentennial celebrations were times for over-the-top rejoicing and raucous celebration. For the last few decades, however, these milestones have often been the occasion of less than flattering revisionist historical treatments. Cultural icons and […]
Martin Luther, The Peasants’ War, And Anti-semitism: A Quincentennial Rumination
The Laity, Vocation, and the Church: A View From the Pew
We have been nourished with Word and Sacrament. We have received the benediction. A lone voice cries out, “Go in peace. Serve the Lord.” We respond, “Thanks be to God.” I always shout this response. Sometimes this shout is an affirmation. Moved by proclamation and fortified by the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, I […]
“A DramaticMixture of Brokenness and Grace”
Faithful Conversation: Christian Perspectives on Homosexuality, ed.James M. Childs Jr. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2003. viii + 132pp. $9.00. A Commentary by way of a Review I had intended to write a review, not a commentary flowing from a review. Furthermore, the review taking shape in my head was negative. I now begin this review fully aware […]
Stanley Hauerwas: Celebrity, Theologian, and Reviver
On October 20, 2001, Chicago area Lutherans gathered at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Downers Grove for a Metropolitan Chicago Synod Faith Development event. The featured speaker was Stanley Hauerwas, the Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics at Duke University. He spoke of Death and Marriage, and that is the sort of juxtaposition/pairing for […]
Struggle and Competition: Two Models for Dealing with Difficult Issues in the Church
Being the Church is difficult under the best of circumstances. Being the Church in times of internal conflict is even more difficult. Perhaps the most difficult issues we face as the Church are those that have the potential of causing pain and estrangement. Certainly the question of union blessings for gay and lesbian couples is […]
Readers’ Response
The Spring 2004 issue of Let’s Talk stimulated a number of responses from our readers. Many of the comments referred to an article by Robert Benne, which was itself a “Reader’s Response.” We appreciate the thoughtful responses printed below, which have a variety of points of view. Thanks so much for allowing us to see […]
It’s About Time
It’s about time. Of course, it is not entirely about time. Worship points to eternity beyond time. In the Eucharist we are given a foretaste of the feast to come. In both Eucharist and the daily office we are gathered with others who have been called and baptized, thus bringing us into the communion of […]
Diversity of a Different Sort
Ethnicity is an important factor in understanding diversity within the complex identity of the ELCA. It is one of a number of variables necessary to comprehend the social and cultural complexities of any large pluralistic population in the United States. Other key factors are gender, sexuality, class, region, and local social morphology (urban, suburban, exurban, […]
Programmatic Triumphal Church to Relational Servant Ekklesia: A Conversion Narrative
I was involved in the initial discussions leading to the Pentecost 2008 issue of Let’s Talk. The editor kindly invited me to write some reflections. Other essays will offer inspiring and informative insights from those engaged in exemplary ministries in the Synod. This essay consists of some reflections based on a career spent trying to […]
The Community of St. Francis: How It’s Doing and Being (A Sort-of Ethnography)
Prologue A few weeks ago I received an e-mail from my good friend and former pastor, Frank Senn. He began by asking if I remember Let’s Talk. Frank must have been grinning at that point, realizing that I have very fond memories of my association with this forum for living theology in the Metropolitan Chicago […]